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Cell Culture > Fetal Bovine Serum

Fetal Bovine Serum products are currently unavailable.

US-Origin Fetal Bovine Serum
BS3032 US-Origin Fetal Bovine SerumAdditional informationSpec Sheet
  Fetal Bovine Serum is collected aseptically from the unborn fetus of Adult Bovine brought to slaughter. The Serum is separated aseptically from the blood of the fetus which is allowed to spontaneously clot. The raw serum is stored frozen at minus 20 deg C or below until processed by aseptic filtration. 100% of the serum is collected from USDA licensed abbatoirs located within the U.S. The animals are inspected by a licensed veterinarian pre and post slaughter and are certified free of diseases of clawed animals. The sera is kept under quarantine in a USDA approved facility until tested and released for sale by USDA. Material is processed in an FDA registered facility under cGMP.
BS3032HI US-Origin Fetal Bovine Serum Heat-InactivatedAdditional informationSpec Sheet
  The Valley Biomedical heat inactivation protocol is to bring the temperature of the material to 56 deg C and maintain this for 30 minutes. Some precipitation may be evident, which can be removed, if desired, by filtration.

USDA-Approved Fetal Bovine Serum
BS3033 USDA-Apvd Fetal Bovine SerumAdditional informationSpec Sheet
  Fetal Bovine Serum is serum collected aseptically from the unborn fetus of Adult Bovine brought to slaughter. The Serum is separated aseptically from the blood of the fetus which is allowed to spontaneously clot. The raw serum is stored frozen at minus 20 deg C or below until processed by aseptic filtration. Material is collected from abbatoirs located in (North America) countries approved by USDA for importation of Bovine Products into the United States of America. USDA certifies the material is free of various virus at USDA option. The animals are inspected by a licensed veterinarian pre and post slaughter and are certified free of diseases of clawed animals. The sera is kept under quarantine in a USDA approved facility until tested and released for sale by USDA. Material is processed in an FDA registered facility under cGMP.
BS3033HI USDA-Apvd Fetal Bovine Serum Heat-InactivatedAdditional informationSpec Sheet
  The Valley Biomedical heat inactivation protocol is to bring the temperature of the material to 56 deg C and maintain this for 30 minutes. Some precipitation may be evident, which can be removed, if desired, by filtration.
BS3033CS USDA-Apvd Fetal Bovine Serum Charcoal Stripped
  Valley Biomedical offers charcoal stripped fetal bovine serum for researchers requiring low levels of hormones. This treatment removes lipophilic material reducing the serum concentration of hormones such as estradiol, progesterone, cortisol, testosterone, T3, and T4. Once treated the serum is immediately sterile filtered and frozen.

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