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10/31/2016 :: Happy Halloween from everyone at Valley Biomedical

Happy Halloween

From left to right: Amber, Valerie, Jessica, Kara, Darin, Sara, Mario, Lee, Michael, Trisha, Jody, Jennie, Jennifer


12/12/2013 :: Happy Holidays from everyone at Valley Biomedical

Happy Holidays

Ornament Balls
Top Row: Tim, Kara, Trisha, Michael, Jessica
Second Row: Misty, Heather, Hattie, Tara, Michele, Jennie
Third Row: Victoria, Ronnie, Brenda, Lee, Jennifer, Amanda
Fourth Row: Amber, Mario, Jody
Bottom Row: Valerie, Brian

The Star
David — Friend, Employee and House Photographer
for over 25 years died this year and is sadly missed


01/28/2013 :: Upcoming Conferences and Exhibits

Valley Biomedical announces scheduled 2013 events:

May 8-9, 2013: Fort Detrick
August 15, 2013: Georgetown University
October 10-11, 2013: NIH Fall trade show

09/14/2012 :: Upcoming Conferences and Exhibits

Valley Biomedical announces scheduled 2012 events:

October 11-12, 2012: NIH fall trade show
November 2, 2012: Georgetown university LSE trade show

03/03/2011 :: Upcoming Conferences and Exhibits

Valley Biomedical announces scheduled 2011 events:

April 27-28, 2011: Fort Detrick trade show
May 18-19, 2011: NIH trade show
May 25, 2011: Life Science exhibits show at the University of Pennsylvania
August 31, 2011: Life Science exhibits show at Georgetown University
October 27-28, 2011: NIH fall trade show

Affordable Standard Grade FBS is now available. View FBS products »

03/25/2010 :: Upcoming Conferences and Exhibits

Valley Biomedical announces scheduled 2010 events:

May 5-6, 2010: Fort Detrick trade show
May 12-13, 2010: NIH trade show
June 30, 2010: Life Science exhibits show at the University of Pennsylvania
August 18, 2010: Life Science exhibits show at Georgetown University
October 7-8, 2010: NIH fall trade show

09/17/2009 :: Upcoming Conferences and Exhibits

Valley Biomedical announces an October trade show, and scheduled 2010 events:

October 8-9: NIH
June 20, 2010: University of Pennsylvania
August 18, 2010: Georgetown University

03/09/2009 :: Upcoming Conferences and Exhibits

Valley Biomedical looks forward to seeing its customers and friends at these upcoming events.

March 11: Duke Univ.
April 29-30: Fort Detrick NCI
May 13-14: NIH
June 3: Univ. of Pennsylvania
August 19: Georgetown Univ.

01/20/2007 :: Nature Methods ad

Genetic Engineering News ad - Enlarge

Valley Biomedical would like its friends to notice our upcoming ad in the February 7th issue of Nature Methods.
View the ad »


05/01/2006 :: Mario Romano named to the USP Advisory Panel for FBS

We are pround to announce that Mario Romano has been named to the USP Advisory Panel for FBS.





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Valley Biomedical
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